Friday, January 6, 2012

It isn't spring.

A typical spring day here on Thorndale except it is not spring. It is early January
and the temp will hit 6 c today! That means lots of muddy paws for this kennel
owner/operator but the dogs are still able to play outside in the grass.
Always fun times at Top Of The Hill.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

ViSalus Healthy Shakes play vital role in recovering from serious virus.

It is amazing how much the ViSalus healthy shakes have helped during this busy holiday season. Everyone in my house came down with a miserable virus prior to Christmas and I developed a serious bacterial infection in the upper respiratory area. It is not often that I give in to bed rest as I have such a busy life and many critters to care for, but bed rest it was.

Unable to eat properly or prepare healthy meals, a light bulb went off in my head. I had ordered the ViSalus healthy shakes with the intention of getting myself back into a healthy lifestyle and weight and in preparation for taking the 90 day challenge. The reason I chose this product was for the extremely good nutritional content and low calories plus high fibre. In my weakened state, I started drinking the shakes to insure my body got the 'food' it needed to heal and help me recover. Wow! I am so lucky I had this product on hand. I know it helped me recover and gave my white cells the food needed to fight my way back. Once I started thinking better, I added the Pro energy drink for additional stamina. I called in the cavalry!

Now, I am back on my feet and feeling strong again. A new year and I made it through without developing further complications or spending any more down time than absolutely necessary.
Thank you Body by Vi!